



地區: 成都 綿陽 自貢 攀枝花 瀘州 德陽 廣元 遂寧 內江 樂山 資陽 宜賓 南充 達州 雅安 阿壩 甘孜 涼山 廣安 巴中 眉山


文章來源: 四川成考網 發布時間: 2021-10-12 14:16作者: admin瀏覽量: 59


  agree vi.允許;持同樣建議I cannot agree with you on this point.在這里一點上,我不能同意你的建議。

  sb agree with sb 允許別人得話,建議

  sth agree with sb 某事,某件事融入別人 agree to sb 提議 agree on sth 在某一點上獲得一致意見

  agree up sth 在某一點上獲得一致意見 agree to do sth 允許干某件事

  break vt.擺脫;毀壞;毀壞 We should all take a little break before dessert. 吃甜品以前我們大家應當略微休息一下。break down 設備壞掉=go wrong 人體垮了/停止交談 11) I had never seen a grown man break down and cry. 我在不曾見到過一個那么健壯的男人痛哭失聲。

  break in 闖進,插嘴 break off 突然終止發言/斷決,完畢/中止工作中,歇息

  break out (戰事等)暴發;逃離(無主動式) break through 擺脫包圍著

  break up 驅除,院校的放學后 The police had to employ force to break up the crowd.警員迫不得已采用戰斗力驅除群體。break away from 擺脫,逃說,與……斷絕關系/更改某類習慣性

  bring vt.用來;產生;取來 I'll bring some of my pictures into the gallery. 我便帶一些我的拍攝到藝術畫廊來。bring about =cause,result in,lead to bring down 使倒地,使降低 bring force 使造成,造成

  bring forward 提意見=put forward/提早

  bring in =get in the pops/使獲得某類收益 Mr. Li: Oh… would you kindly allow me to bring in h… would you kindly allow me to bring in the civet durian? It is the favorite of my sister.劉先生:喔…您能容許我帶些榴蓮果嗎?它就是我親姐姐最愛的新鮮水果。bring back to one's mind 使回想到

  bring up sb 養育別人 bring up sth 明確提出 bring up 惡心嘔吐 bring to an end 完畢=come to an end

  call vt.大聲喊叫;打電話給… I'll call the roll before class. 課堂我想提名。

  call on sb 拜會,呼吁 call at 瀏覽(別人的家);(列車、船)停*

  call for 必須 And there's a phone call for you,Mr. Bennett. Bennett先生 有您的電話。

  call for sb 去接別人一起去做某件事 call off 撤銷(方案,賽事)

  call out (call out to sb.)大聲地叫 call up sb 通電話

  call in 引進來 We'll call in a couple of days. 大家兩三天後通電話。

  carry vt.帶上;運輸;傳輸 Another generation to carry on the Stewart name. 這也是繼承Stewart大家族香燭的新一代。

  carry out 開展究竟 ,貫徹落實 4) Tomorrow,Sandra will carry out the garbage. 明日珊多拉可能整理生活垃圾的。carry out 是造就、進行的慣用語,但在此處,一看便知并不是這類含意。可把它想像做從餐廳廚房把 garbage 運往外邊去。

  carry on 開展下來,堅持到底 Another generation to carry on the Stewart name. 這也是繼承Stewart大家族香燭的新一代。carry away 取走,癡迷,被……吸引住 carry forward 推動,弘揚(精神實質)

  carry off 奪走,搶走/得到禮品 carry through 開展究竟 ,進行方案 carry sb through 使……擺脫困境

  catch vt.捉;把握住 vi.抓住 We didn't catch anything. 大家什么也沒有釣著。

  catch up 追上 33. He shut himself away for a month to catch up on his academic work.他與世獨立一個月,試圖把課程趕上去。

  catch on 鉤住,摔倒 catch at 想把握住 A drowning man will catch at a straw. 落水者見草也需要抓;急何能擇。be caught in the rain 被淋雨 catch up with 追上別人,補上工作中

  clear a.清亮[晰]的 vt.消除 It is said it will clear up tonight. 天氣預報說今夜雨便會停。

  clear up (氣溫)轉晴,交代問題,梳理整理 It is said it will clear up tonight. 天氣預報說今夜雨便會停。

  clear away 消除掉,除掉,消退 clear off 清除(降雪)等阻礙,把……拆下來,擦下去,消除

  come vi.來臨; 越來越; 抵達 May I come in? 我可以進去嗎?

  come across 偶然發現,不經意碰到

  come on 快點兒(口),逐漸,來臨,舉辦,回去吧,一起去 Oh,come on now. 噢 不要這樣了。

  come at 向……撲回來,向……圍攻 7. We may come at another time.我們可以另找一個時間段來。

  come down 倒地,(溫度,價錢)降低,生病 come forward 不斷涌現,積極地回應規定做某件事

  come in 進去,發售 And have you had an engineer come in to do an inspection? 你們可有一個技術工程師來做了查驗嗎

  come from 來自于 I come from Japan. 我來自日本。come out 出去,考慮,結果 Did Mitchell Johnson's review come out yet? Mitchell Johnson的評價出來沒有 ?

  come to 清醒,一共,做到,獲得原諒 When will he come to see you? 他何時來看?

  come up sb 走入 come up 種籽成長發育,被明確提出 and I'll come up with something. 我能想到個方法的。

  come to one's rescuers 協助

  come true 完成 I know,but it's still a dream come true. 我明白 但這終歸是一個理想達到了。

  cut v.割,切,減少,斷開 they cut patches 剪下來布塊

  cut sth in half 把……劈成兩截 cut away 摘除 He cut away a dead branch.他削掉一根干枯的樹技。

  cut through 走近路,剌穿 cut down 砍光,降低,縮小(支出)

  cut off 斷開(關聯,往來),中斷(電話,邏輯思維) 3. He was cut off from his fellows.他與伙伴喪失聯絡。

  cut out 刪除/改正(不良習慣),終止 in a short cut 技巧

  do v.aux.助動詞(無詞意) What do you call this in English? 這一用英語怎么說?

  do with 牽涉到 What are you going to do with the books? 你準備拿這種書該怎么辦?

  do up one's hair 盤起長頭發 do up sth 包/綁起來 do out 清掃,整理

  do away with =get rid of 廢止,除掉,撤銷

  die vi.身亡; 枯萎; 滅掉 I will die before I'll eat that carrot. 假如叫我吃胡蘿卜,我寧愿死去。

  dir from 因難耐,戰事,被破壞的意外死去 die off 因年邁,病癥而身亡

  die away 響聲減弱,逐漸消退/停歇,消退 die down 漸漸地滅掉(風,火)

  die out 滅掉,減弱,消退,絕種(小動物)

  fall vi.落下來;摔倒;失守 to fall 摔下,掉下

  fall a sleep 去睡覺=go to sleep fall ill 生病了 335. Be careful not to fall ill. 留意不必病了。

  fall across 遇上(不經意) fall back 倒退,回拉 fall behind 落伍,無法跟上

  fall in 結合/深陷 29. The necessary outcome of a war is a fall in production.戰事產生的必然趨勢便是生產主力降低。

  fall into 深陷 專有名詞 A fall into a pit,a gain in your wit.吃一塹,長一智。

  fall off 降低,從……掉下去 to fall off a bench 從排椅上掉下去 fall on 見到,落在……上邊

  fall short of 欠缺 fall out of 舍棄

  get vi.越來越,變成;抵達 When do you get up everyday? 每日你幾點起床?

  get about 四處走,信息的傳出 Don't forget about the bet. 別忘記打堵的事。

  get across 越過,講明白讓人掌握,領悟The children began to get across at each other. 小朋友們逐漸爭執了。get away 逃走,離去,解決 1. I hope to get away early in the morning.希望一早已出發離去。

  get down 從…出來,寫下來,記錄下來,生病了/使別人躁動不安 It's time to get down to business now. 是進到主題的情況下啦。

  get along with sth 進度得 get along with sb 共處

  get in 進來,檢票,收進來,追債 Yeah. Yeah. Let's get in our lines. 對啊 對啊。請安排好部位。

  get off 離去,下車時 You can take the bus and get off at the second stop. 你能坐公交車第二站下。

  get on 進入車內 157. Don't get on my nerves!(不必攪得我煩心。)

  get out 拔出來,傳出 I need to get out more. 我需要多外出去。

  get over 擺脫(艱難),從病中恢復正常,不接from Yes,I know,but he'll get over it. 是的 我明白 過一下就會變好的。get around =spread 傳出

  get through 進行,根據,用完,從群體中根據,接入電話 11. It took us only a few minutes to get through the Customs.大家的海關檢查只花了一會時間。

  get to 抵達,把握住問題的重要,實質 Excuse me,how can I get to the bus station? 抱歉,客運站如何走? get together 聚會活動,聯歡 92. Let's get together one of these days.(找一天聚一聚。)

  get in a word 方案策劃 get into trouble 深陷 get rid off 解決,除掉

  give vt.得出,授予,產生 If you have more,please give me some. 假如您有多的,請給我。

  give away 派發,贈予,授予,叛變,出售,曝露 give in 妥協

  give off 釋放(汽體,光) 15) Those flowers look pretty but don't give off a nice smell. 這種花看起來好看,可是味道并不太好。

  give out 讓人精疲力竭 7) Some restaurants give out an odor that reaches to the street. 一些飯店里頭的味道飄到大街上。odor 就是指比 scent 更濃更明白的味兒。

  give up 舍棄,停止做某事 455. He resolved to give up smoking. 他信心戒煙戒酒。

  give over 讓坐落于=give way to被替代 give away to 被替代 give rise to 造成,造成 From mutual understanding,a comfortable situation has been creation. 因為彼此之間的掌握,因此構建了開心的關聯。create 除開“造就”之外,也有“give rise to,cause”的含意。

  go vi.離去; 挪動; 運作 I have to go now. 我一定離開了。

  go bad 受到影響;變味;腐壞 go red 發紅 go hungry 餓肚子 go wrong 錯誤;產生常見故障

  go about 隨意走/開展 33. Could you please inform me how to go about contacting a lawyer?請您跟我說怎樣去聯系刑事辯護律師?

  go after 追逐 go ahead 講吧,回去吧,做吧(英語口語),走在前面 Good.now we can go ahead and write up the order. 棒極了,如今我們可以提前準備提交訂單了。go at 從業于

  go beyond 超過 It can go beyond the school system,Ellen. 這能夠宣傳到院校體系之外 Ellen.

  go by =pass 歷經,以往 76. He let a week go by before answering the letter.他一周之后才復信。

  go down 降低 I'll go down to Henry’s grocery. He's always open. 我到伯特雜貨鋪去。那邊一直開關門經營的 go into 進到 Yes,you’re right. After all,she is smart enough to go into business.對啊,說得對。終究,她完完全全有做生意智謀。go off 消退,腐壞,壞的

  go out (火)滅掉,落伍了,出故障 Why not go out for a walk? 做什么不出去散散步?

  go over 備考,查驗 to go over to the construction site with me? 去看一看建筑施工嗎

  go through 審查/經歷了(痛楚,艱難),進行 Would you like to go through our factory some time? 何時一起來看看咱們的廠家吧?

  go up 提升 ,增漲(價錢) I can go up to the lodge for some hot dogs and drinks. 我能到那里小房子去弄些熱狗香腸和飲品來。rise up 起來抵抗 He that lies down (sleeps) with dogs must rise up with fleas. 與壞人交終究會變惡;近墨者黑,旁觀者清。

  go around 分派,散播,傳出 OK,let's go around the table. 好 使我們順著餐桌來。

  go all out to do sth 竭盡全力去做某件事

  go back to 上溯到… I'll work for 5 years and then go back to school. 我能工作中五年,隨后會院校。

  go with 般配=match=go along with They had excepted me to go with them. 她們本來期待我與她們一起去。go well with 融洽 Salesgirl: Sure. We have both skirts and trousers that would go well with the sweater. Look to this section.女店員:自然。大家有長裙和運動長褲都能夠配這件毛線衣。看一下這里。

  go too far 太過分了,走太遠了

  hold vt.懷著,擁有(看法等) No,the restaurant will hold our table. 不容易 飯店會保存大家的名額。

  hold up 組織,耽誤,耽誤,堅持下去,拿出

  hold back 阻攔,憋住,保存,瞞報 hold down 操縱,前去鎮壓=put down

  hold off 耽誤,拉開距離,使“生疏”

  hold on 堅持到底,終止,別掛(電話) He gave them to me to hold on to them 他幫我鉆戒 要自己存放

  hold out 堅持不懈到獲勝,適用,保持,外伸 hold to 堅持不懈某一觀點(線路),牢牢地地把握住 OK,hold to the right. 好 在右側停下來。

  hunt vt.追獵;追逐 vi.捕獵 He that will have a hare to breakfast must hunt overnight. 早飯愛吃野兔肉,頭晚就須去捕獲。hunt for 找尋 hunt out 找出去 hunt throw 翻查

  keep vt.儲存,維持;吸引 We keep in touch with each other by Email since he left China. 他離去我國之后,大家用Email保持聯絡。

  keep to 堅持不懈某類習慣性,遵循,*(上下) 8. In England traffic must keep to the left.在美國,車子務必*左行車。keep back 留到后邊,阻攔,憋住 keep down 操縱,降低,減縮支出

  keep off 繞開,避開,禁開 keep out 使其等在外面,不讓進入

  keep up 維持,保持,鼓起勇氣 keep sb from doing 阻攔別人做某件事

  keep sth from sb 把某件事瞞著別人 keep up with 緊跟

  knock vi. 174. Why don't you knock it off? 為什么不把它關閉?

  knock into sb 撞倒別人的身上;不經意碰到 knock sth down 減少價錢,拆卸,減縮支出

  knock off 下班了,停產,迅速地寫下文章內容 knock sb up 匆匆忙忙煮飯,叩門把別人喊醒,使別人疲憊

  knock at 敲(門) 6.Yhere was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone had interrupted me that evening.(有些人叩門,那就是那晚打攪我的第二個。) knock sb up 把別人喊醒

  know vt.了解;了解;通曉 Do you know where I've put my glasses? 你了解我將近視眼鏡擱哪里了沒有?

  know about 掌握,了解狀況 How much do you know about the works of George Eliot? 喬冶·喬治艾略特的著作你了解是多少? know of 聽聞,了解為何 be know for sth 以……知名 as known to all 大家都知道

  lay vt.放,分配,鋪裝,遮蓋 and lay them face down. 將牌遮住。

  lay aside 放到…一邊,存款 lay down 學會放下,制定目標 lay emphasis on sth 注重

  lay down one's life for 為……獻上性命 lay out 布局;設計方案 lay off 辭退

  leave v.離去,留有

  leave alone 不必管(別人),不必碰(某事)

  leave behind 遺留下,遺志 leave off (使)終止;終斷

  leave out 刪除,跳開 leave over 剩余的,臨時沒去處理的

  lay in 存款,存款 36. We have to play inside because it is raining.由于天地雨,大家必須在屋子里玩。

  let vt.允許,促使,假定 Rose,let me introduce my friend to you. 利文斯頓,要我介紹一下我的朋友。

  let alone 不必管,不碰,更別說 let down 學會放下(窗簾布),心寒

  let off 放鞭炮,排掉蒸氣,忽略別人 let out 排掉氣,傳出聲響,泄漏

  look v.看,希望 n.外型,神情 Yes,but you look as pretty now,as you did then. 但你看起來或是那樣好看。look after 照顧 61. It's very noble of you to look after my old grandmother when I was out for business.你內心真棒,在我外出期內照料我年老的姥姥。

  look at 看 May I have a look at the watch? 我可以看一下這方面表嗎? look back 回望

  look in 順帶到訪=drop in I don't know. You may look in the TV Guide. 我也不知道,你能看一下《電視報》。look into sth 調研,掌握某件事,訪問(書報刊) look on as 把……當作…… look out 當心,小心,向外看

  look around 四處看 Well …… you mind if I look around 嗯……你們不在意我四處看看

  look over 審查,閱覽 Yes,so we had better look over your specifications. 是的,因此大家最好是先把您的規格型號表明仔細觀看一遍。look through 訪問,仔細地查驗 look to 承擔,注意 The more women look in their glass,the less they look to their house. 女性照鏡越多,照料家務活就越低。

  look up (從字典中)找到,氣溫變化,物價飛漲,仰望 to look up 仰望 look up to sb 尊重別人

  look down on sb 忽視別人 look down upon sb 忽視別人

  look forward 希望 I look forward to seeing you and Harry and Michelle. 我等你著見 Harry和Michelle.

  make n.(商品)來源于 vt.生產制造 It's really hard to make a decision. 挺難做決定的。

  make for 有利于,向…走以往 make out 辯認出來,了解,開(寫)銀行匯票,裝作

  make up 組成 I am old enough to make up my own mind. 我已經長大以后,能夠自身看著辦了。

  make up for 賠償 make up of 由……構成 make phone of 取笑,和別人開玩笑的

  make the best of 靈活運用 make certain 搞清楚

  make up one's mind 決策,下定決心 make up one’s minds 信心,下定決心

  make tea 煮茶 801. She intends to make teaching her profession.她想以教書育人為崗位。

  make coffee 沖咖啡 make off 逃走,匆匆忙忙離去

  open a.開的;對外開放的 vt.開 Does the shop open at 9 am on weekdays? 這個店平日是早晨9點開關門嗎?

  open to the public 向群眾對外開放The town gardens are open to the public from sunrise to the sunset daily.市中生態公園每日一天到晚對群眾對外開放。

  open traffic 全線通車 open into 門開啟后通往 open to 路面通往 The road bridge is now open to traffic.這座橋梁如今對外開放行駛。open up 開荒 open fire on sb. 向別人開槍 open out 開啟,轉開

  pass v.根據 n.歷經;通行卡 Even if you take the exam again,you won't pass it. 即使再考一次你也不過關。pass away 消遣(時間) to pass away 過世,死(婉轉的觀點)

  pass by 從別人身旁歷經,以往 304. Don't let chances pass by. 不必讓機會從人們身旁逃走。

  pass off 消退,順利地開展 pass for 假冒,扮成 pass on 代代相傳

  pass through 歷經 We don't like them to pass through here. 我們不期待車輛根據這兒。

  pick n.氣鎬;木簽 v.鑿;摘 ;選擇I pick up my sister from her school. 我到院校接親妹妹。

  pick out 選擇,認出來(別人),領悟

  pick up 拾起來,半途把別人裝進入車內,盡快恢復 I pick up my sister from her school. 我到院校接親妹妹。

  pull v.拖,拔,扯 n.牽引帶 to pull a trailer 拖車輛房子(電影中常常看到)

  pull down 拆下來,回絕,使體質虛弱,使價錢減少 pull off 脫衣服帽子 pull off a plan 完成方案

  pull out 拔出來,離去,渡過難關,盡快恢復 to pull out of the garage 從停車位駕車出去

  pull throw 擺脫困境,使從病中恢復正常 pull up 車輛停住,撥出來(樹、草)

  put v.放;挪動;使越過;寫 Do you know where I've put my glasses? 你了解我將近視眼鏡擱哪里了沒有?

  put away 學會放下,收起來,把…放到原點 595. He has a nice sum of money put away. 他存了一大筆錢。

  put aside 把放到……空出(時間),預留

  put back 放到原來地方,延遲,推遲 52. When the others had gone,Mary remained and put back the furniture.當別人離開了以后,瑪麗萊留下,將家俱放回原來地方。

  put down 前去鎮壓,寫下來 He put down his glass.他學會放下水杯。put forward 明確提出,提早,給予

  put in 遞交,申請辦理( for) All is not gain that is put in the purse. 放進錢夾里的不一定全是就在的收益。

  put off 延遲,推遲,消除,合上 71. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.今日事今日畢。

  put on 穿上,開演 put on a bit of makeup. 我化一點妝。put through 接入電話

  put out 澆滅,熄燈,生產制造,出版發行 Far water does not put out near fire.遠水救不了近火。

  put up 貼到,留別人留宿,修建 if we can put up some collateral. 如果我們能給予擔保物得話

  put into production 把……資金投入生產制造 put into use 交付使用 put one's heart into 一心一意資金投入

  run v.(使)跑 n.百米賽跑;線路 He can run as fast as Jim. 他跑的和托尼一樣快。

  run across 越過(跪道),不經意碰到 run after 追逐 to run after the gentleman 追求完美紳士

  run away 逃跑,喪失操縱 to run away from his sister 從他親姐姐那里逃跑(發生什么事事兒?)

  run down 體質虛弱,電用完后 run into sb 遇到別人

  run for 竟選 Why shouldn't you run for what,Mom? 為何 不應該竟選哪些 母親

  run out 用完 Well,I suppose I've run out of excuses. 噢 我想我從此找不到籍口了。

  run over 匆匆忙忙訪問 run through 越過,匆匆忙忙看一下,做完 Let's just run through the arguments for and against. 大家來說一下贊同和抵制的原因。

  run a risk of =at the risk of 冒……險 run a fever 發高燒 run short of 欠缺

  see vt.看到;遇上;看得出 Hello. Can I see Mr. Green? 您好,我可以見格林老先生嗎?

  see sb off 為別人送別,辭退 see into sth 調研,掌握某件事

  see about 承擔解決 5. I'll have to see about that.這事情我得想一想再定。

  see through 看透別人 see sth through 開展究竟 see to get that 盡量要

  send vt. vi.送,投寄;外派 To make it fast,you can send a fax. 要想快點兒得話就發了發傳真。

  send for 派別人去請,去叫別人 send off 傳出,寄出去

  send sb off =see sb. off 為別人送別,辭退 send out 傳出,發送 send in 報上去,寄送

  send on 轉送 I can send one for you to try. 我們可以寄個讓你使用。

  set vi.(日,月)落,vt.放 We are going upstairs to set up Grandpa's room. 我們要上樓梯整理一下祖父的屋子。set about sth 下手做某件事 set about doing sth 下手做某件事 set out 考慮,開始做某事,闡述 24. After several delays,he finally set out at 8 o’clock.飽經耽誤,他最終在八點鐘考慮了。

  set apart 分離出來,排出 set aside 排出,公布…失效 In that case ,I'll have some set aside for you. 即然這樣說,我能給你留一些出來。set down 學會放下,寫出 set off 考慮

  set up 創建 We are going upstairs to set up Grandpa's room. 我們要上樓梯整理一下祖父的屋子。

  set fire to 縱火燒 set an example for 為別人樹立榜樣

  start vi.跳起來;考慮;逐漸 What time do you start work? 你何時開始工作?

  start from 從……逐漸 start with 從此逐漸 to schedule one hour a week——to start with.分配一星期一個小時。start in 逐漸 start after sb. 追逐上別人 start off 出發考慮 start out 下手開展

  start up 動工,忽然站立起來 at the very start 一開始

  take vt.消耗(時間);必須 I used to take a walk in the early morning. 我以往常一大早出來散散步。

  take away 取走,離去 20. I want to take away the book which you showed me yesterday.我覺得帶去你昨日看一下的那本書。take back 拿回家 take back one's words 取回(剛講得話)

  take A for B 把A誤以為是B take in sth 接納 take in sb 蒙騙

  take off 起降,撤銷 Before gold,even kings take off their hats. 在金子眼前,君王也需要摘帽子。

  take on 展現,擔負 The U.S. will take one route,the Japan take other. 英國和日本采用不一樣的新途徑。

  take on sb 雇傭 take up 占有(時間,地區),從業于

  take pride in =be proud of 引以為傲 take turn 輪著 take in turn 先后

  take pains to do 努力做某事 take a chance 看運氣

  take a lead 帶領 take effect 起效 take charge of 承擔 take one's leave 告別

  think v.思索;覺得;想到 Yes,I think so. 是的,我覺得是。

  think about 考慮到,關注 What do you think about it? 你為此如何看?

  think of 想到,還記得,感覺如何 What do you think of their skill? 你覺得她們彈奏技術性怎樣?

  think of as 把……作為…… think over 細心考慮到 think out 想到,解決了,想清晰

  think back to 回憶以往 think well of 充分肯定 think highly of 充分肯定

  throw v.投影;跌倒 n.拋擲 to throw a plane 拋(紙)飛機場

  throw about 四處扔 throw away 丟掉,消耗(錢財),喪失(機遇)

  throw back 扔回來,阻攔,攻擊 throw down 丟下去,打倒 within a stones throw off *……非常近

  throw in 扔,丟入 throw into 扔,丟入 throw in a word or two 插一兩句話

  throw off 急匆匆地脫下,解決,丟掉 throw off one's airs 學會放下別人的鐵架子 throw on 急匆匆穿上

  throw out 趕跑 Don't throw out the baby with the bath water. 切忌良莠不分一起拋。

  throw light on 舉報線索,有利于了解某件事 throw one's self into 資金投入 throw cold water 澆冷水

  turn v.轉為,轉動 n.輪著 Open your books and turn to page 20. 打開書,翻到第20頁。

  turn back 翻返回 to turn down 回絕,聲音降低

  turn up 聲音調高,參加 L: You can fill in this lost property report,and I'll keep my eye out for it. Those kinds of things usually turn up eventually,but I suggest you contact your embassy and tell them about your situation,so they can issue you a new passport in case it doesn’t show up.管理人員:你去填這張丟失報告書,我能替你注意的。像這種的物品,最終經常會經常出現的。但我建議你跟你們的使館聯絡并將你的情況告知她們。萬一你的護照簽證找不著得話,她們會讓你發放新護照的。

  turn in 上繳 Please turn in your paper before leaving. 請在離去前將畢業論文交了。

  turn oneself in 投案自首 turn into 把……變為……,把……譯成……

  turn out 結果是,生產制造出,生產制造出,塑造出,關(液化氣) 50. How did the game turn out? 足球比賽結果怎樣?

  turn over 轉交,把……弄翻 turn to 轉為,有求于,翻到哪頁 Open your books and turn to page 20. 打開書,翻到第20頁。

  turn to sb for help 有求于 turn against 叛變 turn by one's 輪著,更替

  in one's turn 到別人做某件事 it is one’s turn to do sth 到別人做某件事

  wear v.穿,戴,損壞,耐久度 What will you wear for the party? 晚會節目你穿什麼?

  wear sb out 使別人精疲力盡 wear sth out 使某事被穿破

  wear off 漸漸地消失,褪去 wear away 磨去,(時間)消失 wear on (時間)消失

  work vi.(設備等)運行;主題活動 I'll work for the next 5 days. 我要工作5天(從明日算起)

  work on 從業于某種工作中 I'll work on my computer. 我想練電腦上。work on a problem 從業于某種工作中

  work out 算出(數量)to work out a sum 算出數量 產生好結果;有期望的結果Things will work themselves out. 事兒會出現好結果的。健身運動;鍛練to work out daily with sparring partner 每日和搏擊陪練員訓練 I could work out in your class with no problem. 假如我要去你的班里鍛煉身體 一定不容易感覺有什么問題。

  work at 在做…… I start work at 8 o'clock. 我八點開始工作。work in with 相互配合 work up 提前準備

  work in 編進來 Yes. I'm a designer,and I work in a boutique. 是的 我是位室內設計師 我還在一家時裝店工作中。




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